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清代茶法研究历经百年,但其重要复杂内涵仍需开掘。清代茶法基本文献之一《清史稿·食货志·茶法》,对相关研究影响较大,但学界对其论述价值的认识尚不充分。利用前人少有关注的清国史馆《食货志·茶马》系列档案,可深入讨论清代国史对茶法的书写问题。《清史稿·食货志·茶法》承袭国史馆《茶马》档案而成,但重新定位了清代茶法。清国史馆《茶马》档案将茶马之政定位为安定边疆、充实战备的国计要政。《清史稿·食货志·茶法》的纂修处在茶叶成为商品,但民初华茶衰落的背景下,有史学经世之志的纂修官姚永朴,转而强调振兴茶业的民族商业意义。 The study of tea law in Qing Dynasty went through a hundred years, but its important and complex connotation still needs digging. One of the basic documents of the Qing Dynasty tea law, “History of the Qing Dynasty, Food Loyalty and Tea Act,” a greater impact on the relevant research, but the academic understanding of its value is not yet sufficient. Using the series of archives of the Qing Shih History Museum, “Groceries, Tea, and Horse”, which have received little attention from previous generations, we can thoroughly discuss the writing of tea law in the history of the Qing Dynasty. “History of the Qing Dynasty draft food law,” inherited the National History Museum, “Tea Horse” file made, but re-positioning of the Qing Dynasty Law. Qing State History Museum “Tea Horse” file will be the horse and horse politics as a stable frontier, enrich the combat readiness of the national economy. In the context of the decline of Chinese tea in the early days of the decline of Chinese tea in the early Qing Dynasty, Yao Yongpu, the compilation official of the historiography of history, instead of the ethnic group that rejuvenated the tea industry Business sense