日出东方 灿烂辉煌——浅谈《日出东方》的艺术风格

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建党80周年献礼片《日出东方》以20集的篇幅,将20世纪初期中国共产党成立前后10年的重大事件和历史人物连在一起,塑造了建党初期中共领导人的群体形象。在聚焦的历史镜头中,观众们看到了从“五四”运动到中国共产党诞生,从毛泽东把马列主义与中国革命的实践相结合到“枪杆子里面出政权”的伟大真理,该剧凝聚了曙光初照中华民族的光辉时刻。该剧的第一个艺术特点是,编导擅长穿针引线,使人物与事件珠联璧合。镜头把建党这根“针”,穿进历史这条“线”,使全剧成为一个有机的整体。片头用“巴黎和全”作导火索,用“五四”运动作引火线,以《湘江评论》、《新青年》、《共产党宣言》等为起爆点,从黑暗社会的根底炸起,直到逐步动摇了危机四伏的反动统治为止。镜头展现的是20世纪风云变幻、军阀混战 The 80th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party Sunrise East, a collection of 20 episodes, linked the major events and historical figures of the past 10 years before and after the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in the early 20th century, shaping the group image of the leaders of the CPC during its initial stage. In the focused historical lens, the audience saw the great truth from the “May 4th” Movement to the founding of the Chinese Communist Party and the integration of Marxism-Leninism and the practice of the Chinese revolution from Mao Zedong into the “power inside the barrel” The dawn of the Chinese nation according to the glorious moment. The first artistic feature of the play is that the director is good at pin-up and leads the characters to match the events. The lens to build this “needle” into the history of this “line”, so that the whole play an organic whole. The film leader used “Paris and the whole” as a guidewire and the “May 4th” campaign as a starting point, starting with the “Xiangjiang Review,” “New Youth,” and “Communist Manifesto.” From the foundation of a dark society, Until it gradually shakes the reactionary rule of crisis. The lens shows the changing 20th century, warlord melee
【摘要】黛玉的身世,黛玉和宝玉的爱情,黛玉的结局,假如黛玉不死她会怎样?  【关键词】郁郁而终;移花接木;冰冷枯亡    林黛玉是曹雪芹的名著《红楼梦》中最著名的人物之一,她的哀怨,痴情,多疑多虑为我们读者留下的深刻的印象。现代医学者认为林黛玉是古代抑郁症的代表人物。  宝玉的魂魄里放有许多的女子。对金钏,是请窦初开的少男对少女出自天性的喜欢;对妙玉,是不甘入流俗者对世外高人的仰慕;对袭人是耳鬓厮