Lane Crawford Place

来源 :建筑与文化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouxiangguchan
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The-shopping complex is located at the prominent junction of Orchard Road/shopping/ hotel district in Singapore.The retail podium block comprises five stories above and two sto- ries below ground.From the second basement floor an underground walkway provides pedes- trian access to the buildings across the street. A double wall system is incorporated into the podium facade to comply with the contradic- tory design requirements.The stone-clad outer wall has punched openings to provide pedes- trians with a shaped walkway,in response to the tropical environment.The inner wall is a full- height transparent glass curtain wall that leans over the colonnaded covered walkway so that shopping activities are visible from the outside. The unique space created between the walls provides a dramatic experience for both shop- pers and pedestrians. The-shopping complex is located at the prominent junction of Orchard Road / shopping / hotel district in Singapore. The retail podium block contains five stories above and two sto- ries below ground. Flight the second basement floor an underground walkway provides pedes- trian access to the buildings across the street. A double wall system is incorporated into the podium facade to comply with the contradicty tory design requirements. the stone-clad outer wall has punched openings to provide pedes- trians with a shaped walkway, in response to the tropical environment.The inner wall is a full- height transparent glass curtain wall that leans over the colonnaded covered walkway so that shopping activities are visible from the outside. The unique space created between the walls provides a dramatic experience for both shop- pers and pedestrians .
各位理事、各位代表、同志们: 中国土木工程学会建筑市场与招标投标研究分会第四届理事会第一次会议今天在武汉市召开了。首先, 我代表建筑市场与招标投标研究分会,向出席我
对于远端小动脉,本文证明透光强度变化与血液容积变化之间为线性关系,并提供一种光电容积图的描记方法。一、光电动脉容积图考查一段长度为 L 的肢体(或耳垂),如图(一)所示,