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骈文、散文本来都是在中国文学史上长期流行的文体,二者在功用上各有所长,同时也各有所短。在中国古代骈文批评史上,刘勰很早就提出骈散结合的理论主张,其要点主要包括两个方面:一是“奇偶适变,不劳经营”;二是“迭用奇偶,节以杂佩”。这种思想渊源有自,与《周易》“刚柔相推,变在其中”和“分阴分阳,迭用柔刚”的论述密切相关。《文心雕龙》遂成为骈散结合理论的开山,对后世骈文批评家产生了很大的影响。 Prose, prose, and so on are all long-time popular stylistic works in the history of Chinese literature. Both of them have their own merits and demerits. In the history of the ancient Chinese prose criticism, Liu Xie put forward the theory of combining theory of loose and scattered, and its main points mainly include two aspects: first, “parity and adaptation”; secondly, “parity and parity To extravagant wear ”. This source of thought has its own, and “Zhouyi” “rigid and soft phase, in which ” and “sub-yin yang, Diego with soft ” argument is closely related. “Wen Xin Diao Long” has become a combination of theory and theory, has a great influence on later generations of literary critics.
<正> 针刺治疗周围性神经麻痹疗效确切,临床报道较多。多年观察发现,治愈率因多种因素的影响而不尽如人意,我们自2000年1月至2001年12月共收治63例,采用面部循经推拿手法综合