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根据广义进化论,宇宙由于自组织的存在而不断进化,宇宙的进化是信息进化,生物的进化是生物进化,人类文明的进化是文化进化,整个宇宙是这样依次进化而来的。信息社会里的文化进化表现为由改造自然向模拟自然方向的进化,文明由简单的、对抗的关系向复杂的、生态化关系方向的进化。文化是人的本质、文明的本质。在以往的文明里,由于文化力量弱小,物质力量是文明的主导力量,以往的文明可以称之为物质主义文明;在信息社会里,由于文化力量的发展壮大正在成为文明的主导力量,并催生一个新的文明,未来文明可能进化为文化主义文明。文化主义文明将是和谐的文明。信息社会是物质主义文明向文化主义文明的过渡期,极其混乱,人类面临着生物大灭绝、人类大灭绝和文明大灭绝的生死关头,要避免毁灭走上新生,必须找到人类的共同利益、共同价值观和共同行为准则,每一个人只有保护了全人类才能最后保护自己。文明进化模式可以概括为离散—整合,只有在离散和整合两方面保持相对平衡,文明系统才可能富有生命力。为了安全地走过大灭绝的陷阱,实现向文化主义文明的跨越,我们需要建立一个积极的宏大的关于文明进化的叙事框架。 According to the theory of generalized evolution, the universe evolves continuously due to the existence of self-organization. The evolution of the universe is the evolution of information, the evolution of biology is the evolution of biology, the evolution of human civilization is the evolution of culture, and the entire universe evolves in this way. The evolution of culture in the information society shows the evolution from the transformation of nature to the simulation of the natural direction and the evolution of the civilization from simple and antagonistic relations to complex and ecological relations. Culture is the essence of man and the essence of civilization. In the past civilizations, due to the weak cultural forces and the material power being the dominant force of civilization, the past civilizations can be called materialistic civilizations. In the information society, as the development and expansion of cultural forces is becoming the dominant force of civilization, A new civilization, the future civilization may evolve into a cultural civilization. Cultural civilization will be a harmonious civilization. Information society is a period of transition from materialism to cultural civilization. It is extremely chaotic. Mankind is faced with the life and death moment of mass extinction, massacre of mankind and the massacre of civilization. To avoid destroying the newborn, the common interests of mankind must be found and shared Values ​​and codes of common practice, each of us can ultimately protect ourselves only by protecting all humanity. Civilization evolution model can be summarized as discrete - integration, only in the two aspects of discrete and integrated to maintain a relative balance, the civilized system may be full of vitality. In order to walk safely through the traps of mass extinction and achieve a leap toward cultural civilizations, we need to establish a positive and ambitious narrative framework about the evolution of civilization.
猪脱细胞膀胱基质(urinary bladder matrix,UBM)是细胞外基质(extracellular matrix,ECM)的一种,目前研究发现其是盆底高分子补片的理想替代材料,具有无侵蚀性、组织相容性好
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