在人类发展史上,曾发生过无数次的战争。战争使成千上万的将士战死沙场,不计其数的平民百姓死于战乱,城镇、乡村在战火中变为废墟,万顷良田成为一片荒芜。战争当然是有其深刻的不可调和的矛盾才爆发的。然而,当人们透过血雨腥风的表面、追寻到战争的源头时,却惊奇地发现,点燃许多战争导火索的有时仅仅是…… 一句话 1857年2月的一天,在印度加尔各答附近达姆达姆东印度公司的军营前面,一个印度籍士兵拿着一只盛水的铜杯正在喝水。一个清道工人走过来恳求说:“先生,借口水喝!”“不行,你是贱民,不能接触他人的东西!”清道夫听了勃然大怒,高声说道:“你有什么了不起。你们的嘴马上就要去咬牛脂和猪油了。新发的英国子弹壳底统统涂着这
In the history of human development, countless wars have taken place. The war has killed thousands of soldiers, innumerable civilians died of war, and towns and villages became ruins in the war, and thousands of hectares of fertile land became barren. Of course, the war broke out only with its profound and irreconcilable contradictions. However, when people look for the source of the war through the bloody surface, they are surprised to find out that sometimes the fuse that lighted many wars was merely ... One day in February 1857 near Calcutta, India An Indian soldier is drinking water with a cup of water in front of the barracks at the East India Company in Darmstadt. One of the cleaver workers came and pleaded: “Sir, under the pretense of drinking water!” “No, you are a pariah, you can not touch anything else!” The scavenger heard a rage and shouted: "What's remarkable to you? The mouth is about to bite the butter and lard right now