胡椒科(Piperaceae)成员之一荜茇(Piperlongum L.),傣语别名叫布雅。其近成熟的果穗供药用,具有温中散寒,下气消食的作用。荜茇主产于南亚、东南亚的热带地区。我国主产于云南、广东两省。云南省德宏州的潞西、盈江、瑞丽等县均有出产,其中以盈江县的产量多,质量也较好。我所于1981年11月间,对芒市、畹町、瑞丽、盈江、梁河、屯冲,中缅边境的弄岛、盏西公社、铜壁关公社等地的野生荜茇的生态
One of the members of the Piperaceae family, Piperlongum L., is also known as Bouja. Its nearly mature ear for medicinal purposes, with warm in the cold, down the gas consumption of the role.荜 茇 mainly produced in South Asia, Southeast Asia, the tropics. Our country is mainly produced in Yunnan and Guangdong provinces. Luxi County, Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan Province, Yingjiang, Ruili and other counties have produced, of which more yield in Yingjiang County, the quality is better. In November 1981, I paid a visit to the ecological environment of the wild 荜 地 in Mangshi, Wanding, Ruili, Yingjiang, Lianghe, Tuenchong, the island of Burma on the Sino-Burmese border,