国内的高三生活一直充斥着紧张的气氛,在我们在为高考备战的时候,国外的高中毕业生他们是怎么学习的呢?他们仅仅学习教材中的知识吗?答案是否定的。本文的作者柳容同学现就读于美国纽约斯托尼布鲁克中学(the Stony Brook School,又称石溪中学),她对哲学有着浓厚的兴趣,阅读了诸多相关书籍,也写了很多的小论文,下文就是她读完柏拉图的《理想国》后的一些认识。读书使人充实,读史使人明智。站在前人的肩
Domestic senior year life has been filled with a tense atmosphere, when we prepare for college entrance examination, foreign high school graduates how they learn? They just learn the textbook knowledge? The answer is no. Liu Yung, the author of this article, is currently enrolled in the Stony Brook School in New York, USA. She has a strong interest in philosophy, reads many books and writes a lot of essays, Here is some reading after she read Plato’s “Dreamland.” Reading makes people full, reading history makes people wise. Standing on the shoulders of the predecessors