对于新天地板块,徐天明毫不掩饰自己的赞誉。“如果说西湖是古典、柔美的气质,那么新天地就像是一位‘力量型选手’。今后人们来杭州,可以看看西湖,还可以看看跟西湖气质完全不一样的新天地。”事实上,自“南有CBD,北有新天地”口号提出,便凸显出新天地板块对于城市格局和区域价值的重要性。而作为新天地板块的主心骨成员,杭州新天地正以“一座城”的名义,酝酿一个Park Mall。
For the Xintiandi plate, Xu Tianming did not hide his praise. “If the West Lake is a classic, soft temperament, then Xintiandi is like a ’strength player.’ From now on people come to Hangzhou, you can look at the West Lake, you can also look at the Xintiandi with the West Lake temperament is completely different. In fact, since the publication of the slogan of ”South CBD, North Xintiandi,“ it highlights the importance of the Xintiandi plate to the urban pattern and regional value. As a key part of Xintiandi Plate, Hangzhou Xintiandi is brewing a Park Mall in the name of ”one city."