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导语:2015年5月19日,国务院印发的《中国制造2025》正式面世。规划指出,要把智能制造作为两化深度融合的主攻方向,着力发展智能装备和智能产品,组织研发具有深度感知、智慧决策、自动执行功能的高档数控机床、工业机器人、增材制造装备等智能制造装备以及智能化生产线。由此,政府从实施制造强国战略的高度对机器人产业的发展提出了要求。在此背景下,中国机器人产业联盟一届四次成员大会暨产业链协作交流 Lead: On May 19, 2015, the “Made in China 2025” issued by the State Council was officially launched. Planning pointed out that we should take intelligent manufacturing as the main direction of the integration of the two cultures and focus on the development of intelligent equipment and smart products. We should also organize the research and development of intelligent high-end CNC machine tools, industrial robots and additive manufacturing equipment with deep perception, intelligent decision-making and automatic execution functions Manufacturing equipment and intelligent production lines. As a result, the government put forward requirements for the development of the robot industry from the perspective of implementing the strategy of building a powerful nation. In this context, China Robot Industry Alliance four times a member of the General Assembly and industrial chain cooperation and exchange