中西医结合非手术治疗胆石症、胆系感染,常用清、下、消法,特别是急性发作阶段,下法更是重要治疗手段之一。究竟下法对胆道功能的作用如何?为此特将几种常用下药进行动物急性利胆实验观察,结果报告如下: 实验方法 一、动物:体重10~14公斤家犬,性别未拘。实验前14小时禁食,以3%戊巴比妥钠按1毫升/公斤作静脉麻醉。 二、手术:动物仰卧,沿右肋弓下作斜切口进入腹腔,先结扎胆囊管,再在胆总管
Traditional Chinese and Western medicine non-surgical treatment of cholelithiasis, gallbladder infection, commonly used Qing, Xia, consumer law, especially in the acute stage, the method is one of the important treatment. What is the effect of the following method on biliary tract function? For this purpose, several commonly used drugs are used for acute gall bladder animal experiments. The results are reported as follows: Experimental methods 1. Animals: Dogs weighing 10 to 14 kilograms were not arrested. Fourteen hours before the experiment, fasting was performed and intravenous anesthesia was performed with 3 ml of sodium pentobarbital at 1 ml/kg. Second, surgery: animal supine, oblique incision under the right rib arch into the abdominal cavity, first ligated cystic duct, and then in the common bile duct