1994年5月19日,在北京八宝山革命公墓,我木然伴着低沉的哀乐与李树声向李桦先生遗体三鞠躬。此刻,李桦先生的面容平静而安祥,就像十几年来带领我们编辑《中国版画年鉴》时常见到的那样。李桦先生走了!留下的只有幽幽缅怀萦绕心头。 1980年11月末的一个下午,我为《中国新兴版画运动50年》约稿事宜,来到中央美术学院版画系办公室,第一次见到了景仰已久的李桦先生。也就是从这时候起,我与中国现代版画史料的编辑出版工作,结下了不解之缘。
On May 19, 1994, at the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing, I met with Li Shu-sheng with three deep bowls of Mr. Li Hua’s remains. At the moment, Mr. Li Hua’s face is calm and peaceful, as it often happens when he led us to edit the Chinese Print Yearbook for more than a decade. Mr. Li Hua left! Only the faint memories left lingering. One afternoon at the end of November 1980, I made an appointment for the draft of “50 Years of China’s Emerging Printmaking Movement” and came to the Printmaking Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts for the first time to meet the long-awaited Mr. Li Hua. That is, from this moment on, I had an indissoluble bond with the editing and publishing of the historical materials of modern Chinese prints.