本文通过血清学检测,调查无锡市餐饮业等公共服务行业人群中梅毒感染现况,为有关部门制定防治对策提供依据。1 对象及方法1.1 调查对象 无锡市市区从事餐饮业及公共场所工作人员,共计28 733人。1.2 检测方法 所有试剂的使用及结果的判定均按试剂说明书进行。1
This article through serological tests to investigate the Wuxi city catering industry and other public service industries in syphilis infection in the status quo for the departments concerned to provide a basis for prevention and treatment measures. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 Survey The city of Wuxi engaged in catering and public places staff, a total of 28 733 people. 1.2 Detection Methods The use of all reagents and determination of the results according to reagent instructions. 1