[病例371] 患者71岁,女。初诊于1969年3月。病历:患者自幼胃肠弱,吃牛奶和鸡蛋也会腹泻。食欲不振,全身倦怠感严重,消瘦,脸色苍白,贫血,寒证,失眠,肠鸣。头痛剧烈而常服Sedes(氨基比林、非那西汀、咖啡因复方制剂),离不开Sedes,但服Sedes会出现恶心症状。还有肩凝,耳塞感。内科医生认为
[Case 371] The patient is 71 years old and female. First visit in March 1969. Medical records: The patient was weak in the gastrointestinal tract, and she also had diarrhea when eating milk and eggs. Loss of appetite, serious feeling of tiredness, weight loss, pale, anemia, cold syndrome, insomnia, bowel. Severe headache and regular service Sedes (aminopyrine, phenacetin, caffeine compound preparations), can not do without Sedes, but taking Sedes nausea symptoms. There is also shoulder condensate, earplug feeling. Physicians think