Outstanding structural features of children’s figure painting is the proportion of uncoordinated. The study examined more than 300 portraits of 4.5 to 6.5-year-old children and found that the ratio of the free-standing torso area and head area of children aged 4.5 to 6.5 years averaged 1.30 Of the area is slightly smaller than the area of the trunk; the ratio of free-standing torso to head area between 4.5 and 6.5 years old, the curve was “N” shape; this ratio changes and the child care for the human body structure Cognitive development; copying standard scale paintings has a significant effect on the structure of child portrait painting, but the trend of the ratio of the torso / head copy of the copying and freehand people is basically the same except for 4.5-5 years of age; The order of painting and the functional exaggeration of the body parts have a significant impact on the composition of child figure painting.