日本在华财产是日本对华战争赔偿的组成部分之一。国民党政府起初从恢复被日本战争破坏了的经济出发 ,处理日本在华财产 ,积极准备并制定相应的方针政策。但由于苏联的“战利品”及战乱、人为破坏等因素 ,国民党政府实际接收可充作赔偿的只是遗留在华财产的一部分 ,根本不是日本代表所认为的“当值数百亿” ,根本不是“充作赔偿之用应属已足”。退居台湾的国民党当局对日本的谬论不是据理力争 ,而是妥协、退让 ,最后被迫放弃日本对华战争赔偿。
Japan’s property in China is part of Japan’s compensation for the war on China. At first, the Kuomintang government proceeded from restoring the economy destroyed by the Japanese war, handling Japan’s property in China and actively preparing and formulating corresponding guidelines and policies. However, due to the “loot” of the Soviet Union and the war and vandalism, the fact that the Kuomintang government actually received compensation as compensation for the legacy of its property in China was not at all “tens of billions of dollars worth of” what the Japanese representative thought it was “ Used as compensation should be sufficient. ” The Kuomintang authorities that escaped to Taiwan did not argue with Japan on their fallacies. Instead, they compromised and gave way to concessions and were eventually forced to abandon Japan’s compensation for the war on China.