房地产行业全面竞争的大幕才徐徐拉开,对任何体质欠佳的企业来讲,这都是一场考验。新政“双限双竞” (土地供应在限套型、限房价的基础上。采取竞地价、竞房价的办法,以招标方式确定开发建设单位)规定出台后,如何更好地控制成本成为地产企业生存和竞争的重要砝码。在此,本刊特推出赢在成本专题,以独特的理性视角,剖析住房限价后的成本控制理论,辅以部分专家对成本控制的研究和建言。而广州地产企业成本控制典例探析或许可为正在个中摸索的企业“雨中送伞” 一一合生的从拿地、卖房、到设计、建设、开发、物业管理的规模经济成本效应;富力当年拿地、当年开工、当年销售的建立在链条之上的速度成本;碧桂园的大规模建设、快速生产、价廉物美的“全能型”扩张之道;恒大的从成本目标计划管理、合同管理、到采购及招投标管理等链条的“环节精品”战略等都是这种策略的彰显。来路方长。而我们相信,在告别了暴利,进入微利时代之后,重塑地产赢家靠的是在成本控制上的“强筋壮骨”和“收放自如”。 --编者
The real estate industry fully competitive curtain opened only slowly, for any poor physique enterprises, this is a test. New Deal “double limit ” (land supply in the limited type, limited housing prices on the basis of competitive price, competitive housing prices, the method of bidding to determine the development and construction units) after the introduction of the rules, how to better control costs Become an important real estate business survival and competition weight. Herein, we publish the cost control theory of winning the cost topic with a unique rational perspective and analyzing the housing price limit, supplemented by some experts’ research and suggestions on cost control. The Guangzhou real estate business cost control example analysis may be being explored in a “rain umbrella” one by one from the take, to sell, to the design, construction, development, property management economies of scale; R & F Year to take, then started, then sales of the chain built on the speed of costs; Country Garden large-scale construction, rapid production, cheap “all-round ” expansion of the road; Evergrande from the cost target plan Management, contract management, procurement and bidding management chain “link boutique ” strategy are all such strategies highlight. Long way to go. And we believe that after bidding farewell to the huge profits and entering the era of meager profits, the real estate winner relies on “strong muscles” and “free delivery” on cost control. --editor