My father, Comrade Zhang Linzhi, was slaughtered by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four for a full 13 years. On January 22, his father’s taboo day. Spring Festival approaching, but he has not been with us for 13 years. Only by filling a glass of wine, we sprinkle gently on the portrait of my father, comforting his immortal loyalty. Thirteen years, this long day, day and night think, meet in a dream. I often think of the scene of my father’s victimization. It is the deepest and most painful memory of my life. Dad, one of the party’s top cadres who were the first to be brutally murdered by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, is still under the age of fifty-nine. During the late of the night, those tragic shadows emerge in my mind, bitterly and bitterly Bitterly tortured me ... ... finally sleep soundly. In September and October 1966, a bad person from the Ministry of Coal Industry wrote several letters of false accusation to the Central Cultural Revolution and falsely accused his father of “opposing Chairman Mao and being a true death party.” Jiang was a treasurer, First open to daddy