Annotation and validation of genes involved in photosynthesis and starch synthesis from a Manihot fu

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A full-length c DNA library from leaf and root tissues of cassava(Manihot esculenta) Arg7 and one accession of its wild ancestor W14(M. esculenta ssp.flabellifolia) has been constructed. The library is comprised of four sub-libraries, containing 32640 recombinant clones, 6028 c DNA clones from their 5′ ends, and 128 clones from the 3′ ends were sequenced. In total, 5013high-quality expressed sequence tags(ESTs) and 1259 unigenes were obtained. Of these, 746 unigenes were identified by their sequence homologies to ESTs from model plants, and 323 unigenes were mapped onto 114 different KEGG pathways. From these, 24 differentially expressed genes involved in starch metabolism and photosynthesis were identified and five of them were selected to compare their expression level between Arg7 and W14. Notably, Arg7 has a higher net photosynthesis rate in leaves, higher ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase activities in leaves, and higher AGPase activity in roots. This resource is the first EST collection from wild cassava and should be of value for gene discovery, genome annotation and studies of Manihot evolution. A full-length c DNA library from leaf and root tissues of cassava (Manihot esculenta) Arg7 and one accession of its wild ancestor W14 (M. esculenta ssp. Flabellifolia) has been constructed. The library is comprised of four sub-libraries, containing 32640 recombinant clones, 6028 c DNA clones from their 5 ’ends, and 128 clones from the 3’ ends were sequenced. In total, 5013 high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and 1259 unigenes were obtained. Of these, 746 unigenes were identified by their sequence homologies to ESTs from model plants, and 323 unigenes were mapped onto 114 different KEGG pathways. From these, 24 differentially expressed genes involved in starch metabolism and photosynthesis were identified and five of them were selected to compare their expression level between Arg7 and W14. Notably, Arg7 has a higher net photosynthesis rate in leaves, higher ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase activities in leaves, and higher AGPase activity in roots. This resource is the first EST collection from wild cassava and should be of value for gene discovery, genome annotation and studies of Manihot evolution.
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1997年,他读初二。这一年,他在《少年文艺》等杂志上发表了《书店》、《弯弯的月亮》等小说和散文,一炮打响。  1998年,首届新概念作文大赛启动,他报名参赛,《求医》、《书店》两篇文章入围复赛。  1999年,首届新概念作文大赛决赛中,他的一篇《杯中窥人》获一等奖,据说完成这篇文章的时间还不到一个小时,而且文章的命题是评委临时随意决定的。同是这一年的三月,他开始创作长篇小说《三重门》。  200
一个是中国近代文学史上的急先锋,他坚信:“世上本没有路,走的人多了也便成了路。”一个是中国最早一批留学海外、思想进步的女学生,她宣称:“爱情需要斗争。我要迎着闲言碎语,无畏地前进。”于是,他们冲破世俗的嘲弄和围攻,勇敢地走到了一起。  两双手,终于相牵;爱情,终于胜利。从此,人们为鲁迅和许广平的勇气所折服,却渐渐淡忘了另一个终生与寂寞相守的女子——朱安。  如果说鲁迅半路邂逅的许广平青春靓丽、柔情
我从小一直是长辈眼中善解人意的孩子,很容易被注意到。其实善解人意背后有很多的察言观色,相对承受了一般人所习以为常、视而不见的心理活动情绪,包括担忧、焦虑甚至愤怒,加上湖南人的地域性格如耿直、锋芒等,这种种都积累在我的成长基因里。  在台湾上初中时,老师指定我担任管理班级秩序的风纪股长。我认真行事,对那些不守“规矩”的,记下事由交给老师,结果一群较为人高马大的同学不爽,推派一位傻大姐冲着我兴师问罪,
“晚饭吃什么?”虽然出差在外,我心里却记挂着家中的女儿。“自己煮呗。”“自己煮?自己煮些什么呀?”想象不出她会煮些什么。“哎呀,自己煮就是自己煮啦。”电话那头女儿的口气已经不耐烦了,知道再问也问不出什么来,只好挂了。   女儿为什么这么容易烦躁?她原来不是这样的。想起小时候她跟我的亲密劲儿,我心里一阵泛酸。那时我出差在外,电话里总能传来清脆甜稚的关切问候。八九岁时,她口头表达欲望特强烈,一张小嘴一
和朋友相约去爬山。山不过三百米高,从山脚到山顶有一条山道,平时慢悠悠地上去,倒不觉得它陡峭。那一日,朋友向我挑战:咱俩换一种登山方法,不再慢走上去,而是沿着山道跑到山顶,谁要是输了就买午餐的账单。我欣然同意。  仗着身材比朋友高大,加上平时爬山我也不输在他后,所以一迈脚我就信心十足。我的步伐明显比朋友要快不少,差不多是他速度的两倍,很快,我就将他远远抛在了身后。在山脚的转弯处,我会扭过头看一下朋友
美国科学作家布侃南曾提到早先华兹和同事史楚盖兹的研究,这两个人曾经用实体信件做实验,随机寄信给不认识的人,要求他们把收到的信件寄给波士顿的某个股票交易员(这人是他们二位的朋友)。 这些随机产生并收到信的人,当然不知道这股票交易员是谁,所以大家都会把信寄给他们认为最可能转交得到的人,希望能通过这样的方式,把信交给那位“某个股票交易员”。于是大批信件就这样转来转去,不少信真的被那位交易员收到了!而且统