【出 处】
藏药加哇为伞形科棱子芹属植物Pleurosper-mumhookeri C.D.Clarke var.thomsonii C.B.Clarke,药用根和根茎,分布于西藏自治区的昌都、察隅、波密、林芝、米林、郎县、加查、
Decrease of reactive-oxygen-producing granulocytes and release of IL-10 into the peripheral blood fo
AIM: To investigate the clinical efficacy of leukocytapheresis (LCAP) in patients with active ulcerative colitis (UC), and to elucidate the mechanisms by determ
AIM: To examine the aberrant expression of fragile histidine triad (FHIT) gene and protein in gastric cancer, and to evaluate the role of FHIT gene and the rela
Profiling of differentially expressed chemotactic-related genes in MCP-1 treated macrophage cell lin
AIM: To study the global gene expression of chemotactic genes in macrophage line U937 treated with human monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) through the
Hepar lobatum carcinomatosum (HLC) is defined as an acquired hepatic deformity consisting of an irregularly lobulated hepatic contour caused by intravascular in
<正> 人之聪明有限,世途之险暗无涯。“以有涯随无涯,殆矣”!——以有限去应付无限,危险啊!这是庄子的告诫。(鲍鹏山《再读圣贤——秦汉篇·李斯:斯人斯鼠(上)》,载贾平
Expression of bcl-2 protein in chronic hepatitis C: Effect of interferon alpha 2b with ribavirin the
AIM: Mechanisms responsible for persistence of HCV infection and liver damage in chronic hepatitis C are not clear. Apoptosis is an important form of host immun