Simple Sequence Repeat Genetic Linkage Maps of A-genome Diploid Cotton (Gossypium arboreum)

来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jhyh001
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This study introduces the construction of the first intraspecific genetic linkage map of the A-genome diploid cotton with newly developed simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers using 189 F2 plants derived from the cross of two Asiatic cotton cultivars (Gossypium arboreum L.) Jianglingzhongmian × Zhejiangxiaoshanlu¨shu. Polymorphisms between the two parents were detected using 6 092 pairs of SSR primers. Two-hundred and sixty-eight pairs of SSR primers with better polymorphisms were picked out to analyze the F2 population. In total, 320 polymorphic bands were generated and used to construct a linkage map with JoinMap3.0. Two-hundred and sixty-seven loci, including three phenotypic traits were mapped at a logarithms of odds ratio (LOD) ≥ 3.0 on 13 linkage groups. The total length of the map was 2 508.71 cM, and the average distance between adjacent markers was 9.40 cM. Chromosome assignments were according to the association of linkages with our backbone tetraploid specific map using the 89 similar SSR loci. Comparisons among the 13 suites of orthologous linkage groups revealed that the A-genome chromosomes are largely collinear with the At and Dt sub-genome chromosomes. Chromosomes associated with inversions suggested that allopolyploidization was accompanied by homologous chromosomal rearrangement. The inter-chromosomal duplicated loci supply molecular evidence that the A-genome diploid Asiatic cotton is paleopolyploid. This study introduces the construction of the first intraspecific genetic linkage map of the A-genome diploid cotton with newly developed simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers using 189 F2 plants derived from the cross of two Asiatic cotton cultivars (Gossypium arboreum L.) Jianglingzhongmian × Two hundred and sixty-eight pairs of SSR primers with better polymorphisms were picked out to analyze the F2 population. In total, 320 polymorphic bands were generated and used to construct a linkage map with JoinMap 3.0. Two-hundred and sixty-seven loci, including three phenotypic traits were mapped at a logarithms of odds ratio (LOD) ≥ 3.0 on 13 linkage groups. The total length of the map was 2 508.71 cM, and the average distance between adjacent markers was 9.40 cM. ​​Chromosome assignments were according to the association of linkages with our backbone tetraploid specific map using t he 89 similar SSR loci. Comparisons among the 13 suites of orthologous linkage groups revealed that the A-genome chromosomes are largely collinear with the At and Dt sub-genome chromosomes. Chromosomes associated with inversions suggested that allopolyploidization was accompanied by homologous chromosomal rearrangement. The inter-chromosomal duplicated loci supply molecular evidence that the A-genome diploid Asiatic cotton is paleopolyploid.
摘 要: 多媒体技术为当今的教育教学提供了更好更有效的途径。在教育改革不断深化的大潮下,如何让学生感觉枯燥无味的历史课堂活起来,提高教学效率,提高教学质量?经过多年的教学实践证明,合理利用多媒体技术是一条可行的途径。  关键词: 多媒体 历史课堂 助推器    新课程改革不断向深入发展,《高中历史新课程标准》明确了新课改下的历史教学目标为“知识与能力”、“过程与方法”、“情感态度
摘 要: 两千多年前孟子的“自得”思想与当今中学物理课程标准中对学生“终身发展”的要求暗自契合,学生对中学物理的学习要经历“生活—物理—生活”的过程,本文就如何用“自得”思想指导其中各环节的教学实践做一简要说明。  关键词: 自得 中学物理教学 学习兴趣 探究 观察    孟子离娄章句下写道:“君子深造之以道,欲其自得之也。自得之,则居之安;居之安,则资之深;资之深,
摘 要: 文中提出可以在直角坐标系中进行圆周运动加速度推导的教学设计,阐述了直角坐标系中圆周运动加速度公式的推导过程,并给出了教学建议,认为学生比较容易理解直角坐标系中加速度公式的推导方法,建议教材中增加直角坐标系中圆周运动加速度的推导。  关键词: 圆周运动 加速度 直角坐标系    普通物理是各大学院校理工科学生的必修课,普通物理中都有质点圆周运动等曲线运动的知识。圆周运动对
摘 要: 任何物理模型都是采用理想化方法,通过对原型客体(具体事物)在一定条件下的合理近似而抽象出同类原型客体的共同性而建立的。它是一个主观抽象和客观具体的辨证统一体,具有理想性和客观性、抽象性和可变性。由此决定了建立和应用物理模型的心理机构是想象和迁移,并需要抽象思维与之对应。而中学生的抽象思维还没达到定型阶段,还不能完全去应用,故物理模型在物理教学中造成了一定难度。因此本文就物理模型在中
摘 要: 随着新课程改革的不断深入,对物理教师也提出了更高的要求,物理教师的素质深刻影响着课改成果的巩固与进一步深化。为了达到改革的目的,提高教学质量,培养出适合时代需要的人才,物理教师应具有以下能力:设计教案的能力、课堂教学的组织能力、计算机运用能力、较强的实验能力、教学科研能力。  关键词: 新课程 物理教师 能力  一、设计教案的能力  新课程注重了物理知识的形成过程和探究