全国制鞋标准化技术委员会作为ISO/TC 216(国际标准化组织鞋类技术委员会)的国内技术归口单位和ISO/TC 216/WG1(国际标准化组织鞋类技术委员会鞋类和微生物工作组)召集人,积极参与该国际标准组织的标准化工作,自2010年米兰会议后,该国际标准组织根据米兰会议纪要,在2011年度开展了大量的工作,在ISO/TC 216本年年会召开之前,本标委会将ISO/TC 216及其在本年度(2010年11月至2011年11月)具体或将要开展的鞋类标准化工作介绍如下。
National Shoemaking Standardization Technical Committee As a domestic technology focal point of ISO / TC 216 (International Organization for Standardization on Footwear Technical Committee) and convener of ISO / TC 216 / WG1 (Footwear and Microbiological Working Group of the International Technical Organization for Footwear Technical Committee) Actively involved in the standardization of the International Organization for Standardization, since the 2010 Milan Conference, the International Organization for Standardization in Milan in accordance with the minutes of the meeting in 2011 carried out a lot of work in the ISO / TC 216 annual meeting this year, the standard The ISO / TC 216 and the standardization of footwear that this month (November 2010-November 2011) will or will be carrying out are described below.