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集团管控体系的建立,最终要求集团母公司与子公司不但在组织结构、权限划分、制度设计等外在物质层面达到管控与协同的目的,还要在集团公司内部全体员工的心理上达成共识。这种由外而内的物质层面保障与由内而外的文化支持的结合程度,是集团管控体系发挥威力大小的决定性因素。所以,文化管控对于集团管控 The establishment of the group management and control system ultimately requires that the parent and subsidiary companies of the group not only achieve the goal of control and coordination at the external material level such as organizational structure, demarcation of powers and system design, but also reach a consensus on the psychology of all employees in the group company. This combination of material protection from outside to inside and from cultural support from the inside out is the decisive factor in the power of the Group’s management and control system. Therefore, cultural control for the group control
一、温度计[知识要点] 1.温度是表示物体的冷热程度. First, the thermometer [knowledge points] 1. Temperature is the degree of hot and cold objects.
一、填空题 1.物体由于_____而具有的能叫做弹性势能. 2.体重相同的两个同学,甲站在三楼,乙站在四楼,则站在___楼的学生具有的__能较少. First, fill in the blank 1. obje
吉兰-巴雷综合征(Guillain-Barre syndrome,GBS)又名急性炎症性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病,是以周围神经和神经根病变为主的自身免疫性脱髓鞘疾病。好发于儿童和青年,老年人发病率
本文简述了粒子束武器在国外发展现状,及其概念、种类和特点 This article briefly describes the status quo of particle beam weapons in foreign countries, its concep
一、选择题 1.下列关于波在传播过程中的说法中正确的是 A.介质中的质点随波由近及远地迁移B.波源的振动能量随波由近及远地传递随着波的传播而减小D.一个周期内,介质中质点
一、填空题 1.在房间里,打开酒精瓶盖,过一会儿,整个房间内充满了酒精气味,这是___现象.该现象说明___. 2.冬天对手呵气,感到暖和,这是用___的方法改变手的内能;手与手相互
一、填空题 1.国际单位制中,长度的主单位是__,符号是__.测量长度的工具是___,使用前,要注意观察它的__、____和____. 2.完成下列单位变换: (1)无线电波在1s内通过的距离是3