《谈81式自动步枪的改进》一文(以下简称《改进》)刊登后(见《轻兵器》1997年第3期),先后收到许多同仁的来信和电话,说法不一。盛国智教员也撰写了《再谈81式自动步枪的改进》的文章(见《轻兵器》1998年第11期),对《改进》中的有关内容提出了一些质疑。对此,我想就《改进》一文中的有关内容,再谈一点自己不太成熟的观点。 伸缩式脚架 81式自动步枪本无脚架,射击精度也比较高,安装了两脚架后,可使据枪更
After the publication of the article “Improvement of Type 81 Automatic Rifle” (hereinafter referred to as “Improvement”) (see Light Weapons No. 3, 1997), many colleagues have received letters and phone calls from different parties. Sheng Guochi also wrote an article titled “Talking about the Improvement of 81 Automatic Rifle” (see “Light Weapons”, Issue 11, 1998), and raised some questions about the content of “improvement”. In this regard, I would like to comment on the content of “improving” one more point which I am less mature. Retractable tripod 81-automatic rifle The no tripod, firing accuracy is relatively high, the installation of a bipod can make the gun more