在筹措院庆30周年各项活动中,一位青年教师对我提了一个问题:院庆的时间定在9月21日进行,是否因为开学之初较忙一些,待开学后工作就绪了再搞院庆?另外在有的校友回函中也提到,能否把院庆时间安排在暑假,这样外地的校友来京比较方便……其实,关于院庆的时间,说起来还有段故事呢! 中国音乐学院的建立是周恩来总理亲自倡议、批
During the various activities for the 30th anniversary celebration, a young teacher asked me a question: The celebration of the celebration is scheduled to take place on September 21, and whether it is because the beginning of the school year is relatively busy and after the commencement of school work is completed. In addition, it is also mentioned in some alumni’s replies that it is more convenient for the alumni from other places to come to Beijing in the summer holidays ...... In fact, there are still some narratives about the time of the hospital celebration It! The establishment of China Conservatory of Music was personally initiated and approved by Premier Zhou Enlai