三十而立,南四湖管理处鱼台管理所所长兼党支部书记张志振,而立之年,事业有成。这位外表斯文、言语温和的年轻所长,是如何将一个不管是工作条件、环境都不甚理想的基层所带上了蓬勃发展的道路呢?他又是如何将自己的所学,自己的青春献给条件艰苦的基层水管单位呢?让我们循着鱼台管理所的发展足迹,去感受他对水利事业的一腔赤诚。 鱼台管理所是南四湖管理处一个地理位置比较偏僻的基层所,承担着复新河节制闸、船闸
Thirty and stand, Nansihu Management Office Yutai management director and party branch secretary Zhang Zhizhen, and Li of the Year, a successful career. How does his outward-looking gentleman, a gentle young man, embark on a thriving path to the grass-roots level, whether in working conditions or in the environment? How he treats himself, his own Youth dedicated to the conditions of the grassroots water management unit? Let us follow the Yutai management development footprint, to feel his right to water conservancy. Yutai Management Office is Nansi Lake Management Office of a more remote location of the grassroots units, commitment Fuxin River control gates, locks