越南国土狭长,南北长达1600千米,东西最窄处仅50千米,2/3以上国界线为海岸线,长3260千米。各类港口有60多个,其中重要海军基地和军用港口10余个。主要有海防、鸿基、岘港、金兰湾、胡志明市、头顿等。 越南海军现有约4万人(含海军陆战队2.7万人),由北向南沿海线划分为4个区域,每个区域部署1个沿海区。越南海军现装备有从朝鲜引进潜艇2艘,护卫舰5艘,小型护卫舰5艘,巡逻艇和导弹、鱼雷快艇40余艘,扫雷舰5艘,
Vietnam is a narrow country with a length of 1600 km from north to south and a minimum of 50 km from the narrowest point to the east. The 2/3 or more borderline is the coastline with a length of 3260 km. There are more than 60 ports of all kinds, including over 10 important naval bases and military ports. Mainly Haiphong, Hongji, Da Nang, Cam Ranh Bay, Ho Chi Minh City, Vung Tau and so on. The Vietnamese Navy now has about 40,000 people (including 27,000 Marine Corps personnel) and is divided into four regions from north to south along the coastline, with one coastal zone deployed in each. The Vietnamese Navy is now equipped with 2 submarines, 5 frigates, 5 small frigates, patrol boats and missiles, more than 40 torpedo boats, 5 minesweepers from North Korea,