
来源 :北京体育大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjuuhhuu
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武术套路运动向着“高、难、美、新”的方向发展,新规则对难度动作的规定明确了难度动作在套路比赛中的重要作用,本文通过文献资料法、定点定机摄影摄像测量法、三维DLT测量法、数理统计等研究方法对河北省高水平女子武术套路运动员跳跃难度旋风脚720°动作进行运动学分析,探索优秀武术运动员难度动作的技术要领和运动规律,对我省高水平武术运动员的难度动作技术进行评价与诊断,达到提高运动员竞技水平,为合理制定训练方法、完善武术训练理论提供依据。 The development of Wushu routines toward the direction of “high, difficult, beautiful, new”, the new rules on the difficulty of action clear the difficult action in the routine competition plays an important role in this article through documentary data, fixed-point camera photography Method, three-dimensional DLT measurement, mathematical statistics and other research methods of high-level women’s Wushu routine players in Hebei Province, the difficulty of jumping cyclone 720 ° kinematics kinematics analysis of the skills of elite martial arts athletes to explore the technical essentials and movement of the province of high The level of martial arts athletes difficult motion assessment and diagnosis techniques to improve the athlete’s competitive level, to develop a reasonable training methods, improve the training theory to provide the basis.
企业的盈利操纵(Eamings Management)现象越来越受到社会关注.本文对操纵者的动机、手段进行探讨,并结合会计信息使用者的需要,分析盈利操纵在财务报告中可能表现出的某些痕