对医疗缺陷引发的医疗纠纷1例分析如下。1病历摘要男,79岁。因受凉感冒半月,呕吐1周就诊某省级医院,门诊以呕吐原因待查收住消化内科,患者既往25 a前有全胃及十二指肠切除史,平日少吃多餐,营养支持良好,肺结核史5 a,标准化疗后间断服药。入院体检:神志清楚,生命体征、心肺腹、?
Medical malpractice caused by medical malpractice 1 case analysis is as follows. 1 medical record male, 79 years old. Due to a cold and a half months, vomiting 1 week visit a provincial hospital, outpatient vomiting to be checked because of digestive medicine to be checked, the patient had a history of whole stomach and duodenum 25 years ago, eat less meals on weekdays, good nutritional support, 5 years history of tuberculosis, intermittent medication after standard chemotherapy. Admission medical examination: Consciousness, vital signs, cardiopulmonary abdomen,?