Wei Jianing, Beijing Jishuitan Hospital famous hand surgeon, professor, graduate tutor. He is the 12th National Congress of the Party and the 5th and 6th Party Congress of Beijing. After 42 years of medical treatment, Weijining conducted a total of 50,000 hand surgeries and successfully performed the world’s first case of hermaphroditic foot transplantation. The first case of thumb transplant in our country was successful. He was the patient who received the patient’s letter of approval at Jishuitan Hospital, with the most banners. Now that Weganing is suffering from cancer and life and death struggle with the disease, in order to put their academic accumulation completely to colleagues, he every day to draw the operating plan until late at night. We do not have the heart to take up Weghaining a minute or two, and we look through his essays, speeches and some of his words. People around him competed to tell us stories about us. We were touched by his deeds and proud of the party’s emergence as such a model party.