回锅肉是四川的一款家乡菜,在四川几乎人人皆知,家家会做,个个爱吃。笔者1996年在香港绿杨村大酒店掌勺治菜,特地把这款香辣味浓充满四川乡土特色的回锅肉佐以夹饼介绍给香港同胞品尝,效果出乎意料的好。来店进餐者,无不以点回锅肉来大快朵颐。从此以后绿杨村大酒店在香港的名声大振,不少人成为品尝回锅肉的回头客。 现将回锅肉的烹制方法介绍如
Double-Cooked pork is a Sichuan hometown food, almost everyone knows in Sichuan, every family will do, all love. In 1996, I handled the dishes at the Luoyang Yangcun Hotel in Hong Kong. I specially introduced the spicy flavor of Sichuan-style double-boiled pork with sandwiches to the Hong Kong compatriots for taste. The results were unexpectedly good. Meal to shop, all back to the pies to briskly. Since then, Luoyang Young Village Hotel in Hong Kong’s reputation, many people become repeat customers return tasting pork. Now twice-cooked pork cooking methods such as introduction