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一、“九·一八”事变后的黑龙江航标1931年,“九·一八”事变后。日本侵略军向东北全境进犯,于1932年2月5日侵占了哈尔滨。同年3月1日,在日本帝国主义的导演下成立了伪满洲国傀儡政权。伪满洲国交通部内设水运司,统一管理水路、港湾、船舶、航标及有关水运行政的一切事务。但实权操纵在日本人之手。1933年6、7月间,日伪统治集团在营口、安东、哈尔滨设立航政局,其中哈尔滨航政局管理黑龙江水系的水道和航标。1934年6月28日,哈尔滨航政局和苏联阿木尔航政局在黑河召开满苏水路会议,缔 First, the “September 18” Incident Heilongjiang aids after the accident in 1931, “September 18” after the incident. The Japanese aggressor troops infiltrated the entire territory of Northeast China and invaded Harbin on February 5, 1932. On March 1 that same year, a puppet regime of puppet Manchukuo was established under the direction of Japanese imperialism. The Puppet Manchurian Ministry of Communications has a Waterworks Division under its control to unify the management of waterways, harbors, ships, beacons and all relevant affairs relating to the operation of water transport. But real power is manipulated by the Japanese. In June and July 1933, the Puppet Regime Group set up the Air Navigation Bureau in Yingkou, Andong and Harbin, of which the Harbin Administration Bureau managed the waterways and aids to the Heilongjiang River. On June 28, 1934, Harbin Institute of Air Traffic Administration and the Soviet Union Amur Aviation Administration held a conference on Mansu Waterway in Heihe.
采用分光光度法研究了21个马铃薯新品种(系)在机械损伤条件下的褐变。筛选试验表明,4℃褐变24 h后,品种(系)云薯301、S03-259、S04-801和JS05-53-275的褐变度变化值为0.004~0
目的 分析缺血性脑卒中后下肢深静脉血栓形成(LDVT)的主要发病原因,为临床采用合理的预防和治疗措施提供客观理论依据。方法 分析50例缺血性脑卒中并发LDVT患者的临床特点