在手及前臂急诊外伤的处理中 ,常常遇到伤口感染以至不得不拆除缝线使创口外露 ,或者由于伤口污染较重 ,急诊只能行清创术 ,创面二期再做处理。在 1998年 4月至 1999年 4月中 ,我院收治 30例因创面污染严重无法直接缝合 2 6例 ,因伤口感染而拆除缝线使创面暴露 4例 ,其中手 2 0例 (手掌 15例、手指 5例 ) ,前臂 10例。均采用硫酸依替米星药粉外敷创面 (最长用药 10 d,最短用药 4d,平均用药为 7d)创面无一例感染 ,取得了满意效果。本组通过感染或需控制感染的创面正确地选择使用外用药物 ,可以有效地控制与预防创面的感染 ,有利于创面的愈合。
In the treatment of emergency hand and forearm trauma, wound infection is often encountered as a result of having to remove the suture to expose the wound, or because the wound is heavily contaminated, the emergency department can only perform debridement and the wound is treated twice. In April 1998 to April 1999, our hospital admitted 30 cases because of serious wounds can not be directly sutured 26 cases of wound infection due to wound removal and wound exposure to 4 cases, of which 20 cases of hand (palm 15 cases , Finger 5 cases), forearm 10 cases. All the wounds were treated with etimicin powder (the longest medication for 10 days, the shortest medication for 4 days and the average medication for 7 days) without wound infection and satisfactory results were obtained. This group through the infection or need to control the infection of the wound correctly choose the use of topical drugs, can effectively control and prevent wound infection, is conducive to wound healing.