在新千年第一春的清明时节,北京西郊万安公墓迎来了20多位引人注目的客人─—全日本中国拳法联盟的代表。他们代表联盟全体会员,簇拥着联盟已故会长佐藤金兵卫博士的骨灰来这里安葬,伴眠在他的中国武术恩师李子鸣先生的墓旁。 佐藤金兵卫先生1926年出生于日安县举办
During the Ching Ming Festival in the first spring of the new millennium, the Wan An Cemetery in the western suburbs of Beijing ushered in more than 20 striking guests - the All Japan China Boxing Federation. On behalf of all the members of the alliance, they were buried here with the ashes of Dr. Joji Sato, the late President of the alliance, and accompanied by the tomb of his Chinese martial arts teacher, Mr. Li Ziming. Sato Kiribee was born in 1926 in Ri’an County