关于矽肺患者免疫状况的变化,国内外已有很多报道,但以体液免疫的研究及调查资料为多,有关细胞免疫资料较少。本文报道了62例各期单纯矽肺患者的细胞免疫功能的调查研究结果。检测人体细胞免疫功能的方法很多,概括起来可分两大类;一为体内法,常用迟发型皮肤超敏感试验。很多资料已经证明,它是被抗原致敏的 T 淋巴细胞,再次遇到同样的抗原时表现出来的一种反应,故能反映细胞免疫水平。最近又提出植物血凝素 phytohemagglutinin
There have been many reports at home and abroad on the changes of immune status in patients with silicosis, but there are many studies and survey data on humoral immunity, and few information about cellular immunity. This article reports 62 cases of simplex of patients with silicosis of cellular immune function survey results. There are many ways to detect the immune function of human cells, can be summed up in two broad categories; one for in vivo method, commonly used delayed-type skin hypersensitivity test. A lot of information has proved that it is antigen-sensitized T lymphocytes, once again encountered the same antigen showed a response, it can reflect the level of cellular immunity. Recently, phytohemagglutinin has been proposed