在质疑中坚持自我,在怀疑中不断成长。正是果敢不羁、好奇心和探索精神,成就了这位诺奖得主。“我想要告诉年轻人的重要的一点是,当你有新颖的想法时,要对自己有信心。”2013年诺贝尔化学奖得主、哈佛大学教授马丁·卡普拉斯(Martin Karplus)在接受《科学新闻》记者采访时表示,“在你确定这是一项好的想法后,即便其他人并不认同,你也要相信自己。”面对记者,卡普拉斯回顾起自己研究分子动力学计算模拟时的场景。当时,他的化学专业同事不断质疑他的研究方法;生物学同事则表示即便
Persevere in doubts, continue to grow in doubt. It is bold, curious and exploratory spirit, the achievements of the Nobel laureate. “The important thing that I want to tell young people is that you have confidence in yourself when you have fresh ideas.” “The 2013 Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, Harvard University professor Martin Karplus ) In an interview with ScienceNews, ”After you’ve identified this as a good idea, you have to believe in yourself, even if others do not agree.“ ”In the face of journalists, Starting his own research molecular dynamics simulation of the scene. At the time, his chemistry colleagues kept questioning his research methods; biological colleagues said that even if