采用MAG焊接方法焊接10 mm厚X2CrNiMoN22-5-3双相不锈钢板,焊后分别进行了拉伸、弯曲、硬度、宏观金相和微观金相等试验。结果表明,焊缝金属的力学性能达到母材的强度要求,且焊接接头熔合良好。通过金相观察发现,母材组织为带状奥氏体均匀分布于铁素体基体中,焊缝金属组织为枝晶状奥氏体分布在铁素体基体里,热影响区金相组织为带状奥氏体和枝晶状奥氏体交互分布于铁素体基体。
The 10 mm thick X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 duplex stainless steel plate was welded by MAG welding method, and the tensile, bending, hardness, macroscopic metallography and microstructure test were carried out respectively after welding. The results show that the mechanical properties of the weld metal reaches the strength requirements of the base metal, and the welded joints are well fused. The metallographic observation shows that the matrix is uniformly distributed in the ferrite matrix and the dendrite austenite is distributed in the ferrite matrix. The microstructure of the heat affected zone is Band-shaped austenite and dendritic austenite are alternately distributed in the ferrite matrix.