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目的探讨药流早期妊娠(早孕)终止最佳时机,以降低药物流产的失败率。方法对242例门诊既往月经规律,现有停经史,尿妊娠试验(试纸法)阳性而B超探测宫内未见典型孕囊,双侧附件未显示异常的健康妇女,自愿接受药物终止早孕,用药后观察阴道流血时间、量、腹部疼痛情况,15d后复查尿人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG)。随机选择HCG阴性妇女进行B超检查了解子宫内膜情况。结果第1次随诊221例,尿HCG转阴202例,19例阳性。随机选择50例尿HCG阴性妇女,B超检查子宫46例恢复正常,4例宫内有小强光团。19例阳性妇女B超探查,子宫内全部见囊长出。终止早孕成功率为91.40%,失败率为8.6%,无并发症。第2次随诊194例,月经全部恢复正常。结论宫内未见孕囊的早孕妇女,此时间用药较完全可靠,成功率高,克服了药物流产出血时间长,流产不全的缺点。 Objective To investigate the optimal timing of medical abortion in early pregnancy (early pregnancy) to reduce the failure rate of medical abortion. Methods A total of 242 outpatients with normal history of menstruation, history of existing menopause, urine pregnancy test (test paper method) positive and B ultrasound detection of intrauterine pregnancy without typical gestational sac and bilateral appendages without abnormalities were selected. Patients receiving voluntary drug termination of early pregnancy, Vaginal bleeding after treatment time, volume, abdominal pain, urinary human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) after 15d review. HCG-negative women were randomly selected for B-ultrasound to understand the situation of the endometrium. Results The first follow-up of 221 cases, urine HCG negative 202 cases, 19 cases were positive. Fifty cases of HCG-negative women were randomly selected. 46 cases of uterine ultrasound examination returned to normal, and 4 cases had intrauterine small light group. 19 cases of positive women B-probe, see all the uterus to see the bladder grow. The success rate of termination of early pregnancy was 91.40%, the failure rate was 8.6%, no complications. The second follow-up 194 cases, all menstruation returned to normal. Conclusion Pregnant women who did not have gestational sac in the uterus are more reliable and have a higher success rate at this time, which overcomes the shortcoming of long time of medical abortion bleeding and incomplete abortion.
辽宁省鞍山市曙光医院应用喜得镇及银杏达莫治疗血管性痴呆的患者60例,根据MMSE量表;Blessed-Roth行为量表;BI量表对患者用药前、用药后15 d、3个月、6个月的认知功能、生活