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N, N dimethyl glycine(DMG),a food supplement, is claimed to be non toxic and is known for its immunoprotective and stamina building property. It improves CNS functions,mainly speech in autistic children, causes behavioral improvement and decreases seizures. To study its effect on the neurons on the ventral half of the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord, DMG dissolved in distilled water was given to 21 day old albino mice at a dose of 20mg/kg body weight per day for 30 days. The ventral half of the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord was studied morphologically. The results showed a significant decrease in the neuron count in the 15 25 micron range in the DMG treated mice. No significant change was observed in the area of gray matter or white matter or total area. Neurons having a diameter of more than 25 microns showed no change in the cell count.These results suggest a cytotoxic damage caused by DMG. It improves CNS functions, mainly speech in autistic children, causes behavioral improvement and decreases seizures. To research on N, N dimethyl glycine (DMG), a food supplement, is claimed to be non toxic and is known for its immunoprotective and stamina building property. its effect on the neurons on the ventral half of the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord, DMG dissolved in distilled water was given to 21 day old albino mice at a dose of 20mg / kg body weight per day for 30 days. The ventral half of the results showed a significant decrease in the neuron count in the 15 25 micron range in the DMG treated mice. No significant change was observed in the area of ​​gray matter or white matter or total area Neurons having a diameter of more than 25 microns showed no change in the cell count. These results suggest a cytotoxic damage caused by DMG.
本文采用GC-MS-DS法对不同来源的江相壳(臭橙、香橙)、湘帜壳、川枳壳、香圆枳壳、红河枳壳、建枳壳挥发油成分进行了分析。 In this paper, GC-MS-DS method was used to a
畸残和社会歧视是麻风患者身体、社会和经济状况恶化的根本原因。要恢复麻风患者的经挤独立使其过正常生活,必须妥善安置晚期畸残的患者。 Disability and social discrimi
英国一名作家指出 ,金发一族在 1 0 0 0年后有可能和熊猫、西伯利亚老虎、灰鲸及钝吻鳄一样 ,成为“濒临绝种动物”。作家菲利普斯在新书《金发一族盛行之书》中表示 ,男士眼
北京大学历史系刘祖熙教授著、北京大学出版社 2 0 0 1年出版的《改革和革命———俄国现代化研究 (1 861— 1 91 7)》 ,是一部一系统、全面阐述俄国现代化进程的历史专著。
一、从人财物三方面看卫生工副业与医院经济的联系 1.从人员上看:虽说卫生工副业与医院“脱钩”,但事实上,实体中正式编制人员多为医院岗位的富余人员,有些企业法人还是由院