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2006年11月,《汽车商业评论》杂志创刊,首期推出《口述历史》栏目。提出这个创意的是主编贾可,我记得他当时在给这个栏目定位时用了言简意赅的八个字:记录历史,抢救历史。2009年9月15日,我在一汽咨询委员会办公室采访韩玉麟。这位年过八旬的老者当即送我一本他组织编写的《风华正茂的岁月》。这是在2003年,一汽建厂50周年之际出版的纪念文集,上面收录了109位曾到苏联实习的老一汽人的回忆文章。他说,知道这段历史的人越来越少,趁我们还有时间和精力,还知道这段历史,也算是给后人留些资料吧。为编写此书,他去一汽档案馆调看保存多年的留苏人员名单(500多人),赫然发现其中的错误:名单上有的人,没有去实习;名单上没有的人,却去实习过。比如名单上没有李岚清的名字,而众所周知,李岚清是饶斌批的最后一批赴苏实习人员之一。结果是,他将所知道的错误进行了修正。我猛然感悟,韩老所作所为,与本刊《口述历史》栏目的使命何其相似。只不过,他是在抢救一汽的历史。1929年,韩玉麟出生在上海。为响应党的号召,1950年5月他从上海交通大学机械系提前毕业,到东北参加重工业基地建设。最初被分配到沈阳机械二厂(现在的沈阳重型机器厂),1953年调往一汽,这一干就是40多年,其间历任一汽技术检查处、总调度室科长、处长,一汽副厂长,总工程师,解放联营公司董事长等职。2010年5月,韩玉麟老人将迎来他从上海交通大学毕业60周年的纪念日。 November 2006, “Automotive Business Review” magazine started, the first issue of “oral history” section. The idea was put forward by Jia Ke, the editor-in-chief, and I remembered that he used the succinct eight words in his positioning of this section: keeping history and salvaging history. On September 15, 2009, I interviewed Han Yulin at FAW Advisory Committee Office. The over eighty year old man immediately sent me a copy of his organization’s “prime of life”. This is a memorial collection published in 2003 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of FAW with the memoirs of 109 people who had been internship with the Soviet Union. He said fewer and fewer people knew this history, and while we still have time and energy, we also know this history and we can leave some information for future generations. To prepare this book, he went to the FAW archives to look at the list of preserved Soviet personnel (more than 500 people) who had been keeping for many years. He found out some mistakes: some people on the list did not go to internship; those who did not list on the list went to practice . For example, the list does not have the name of Li Lanqing, and as we all know, Li Lanqing is Rao Bin approved one of the last batch of personnel to go to Jiangsu. As a result, he amended the mistakes he knew. I suddenly realized that the actions of Han and Lao, and our magazine “Oral History” part of the task similar. However, he is rescuing FAW history. In 1929, Han Yulin was born in Shanghai. In response to the party’s call, he graduated early in May 1950 from the Mechanical Department of Shanghai Jiaotong University and joined the heavy industry base in the northeast. Initially assigned to Shenyang Machinery Plant (now Shenyang Heavy Machinery Plant), 1953 transferred to FAW, the dry is more than 40 years, during which FAW Technical Inspection Department, the chief dispatch room chief, director, deputy chief FAW, Chief engineer, chairman of liberation of associates and other staff. In May 2010, Han Yulin’s old man will celebrate his 60th anniversary from his graduation from Shanghai Jiaotong University.
腐败作为一种社会现象,已经蔓延到我们生活中的许多角落。 钓鱼本是一项修身养性,有益健康的体育运动。可是,一些人却将这一体闲活动与腐败挂勾,这就使这一健康运动变得丑陋
广东肇庆市四会金宝利集团公司总裁李念龙先生热心向河北省张家口地震灾区捐款20万元人民币。李念龙先生的一片爱心得到当地政府的高度赞扬。 李念龙先生得知河北省张家口在