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年届老耄的玛格丽特·杜拉斯(一九一四——)以她的新作《北方的中国情人》在法国一九九一年畅销书单上独占榜首,再一次证明了她是当今法国文坛上当之无愧的大师。现在她受到爱好文学的大中学生的敬仰,电影编剧们忙于改编她的小说,一些学者也到处查档案、找资料,采访有关人士,撰写各种关于她的生平和创作活动的传记。大凡一个人功成名就之后,掌声鲜花便会纷至沓来。面对溢美之词,有的人得意之后难免忘形,因而飘飘欲仙,连骨头也轻将起来。但杜拉斯却不吃这一套,她毫不客气 The eldest Marguerite Duras (1914-) won the top spot on France’s bestseller list in 1991 with her new book, The Chinese Lover in the North, to prove once again that she was Today, the French literary well-deserved master. Now she is admired by literature-loving college students, film writers are busy adapting her novels, and some scholars search archives, find information, interview people, and write biographies of her life and creative activities. Almost a person fame, applause flowers will come in one after another. In the face of the beautiful words, some people are unforgettable after forgetful, so beautiful, even the bones also light up. But Duras did not eat this set, she bluntly