
来源 :山东医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:monorrch
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将BALB/c小鼠分为猪胸腺素(ST)组、猪胸腺素+维生素E(ST+VE)组、维生素E(VE)组和生理盐水(NS)组,研究发现ST、ST+VE两组脾细胞LCLPFC与血浆cGMP,胸腺重量及生存期均显著高于NS组,肿瘤发生率低于NS组。临床观察117例中老年人,ST组的Et,Ea,LCT,OT值与一般生理机能均显著提高,CIC,AA与感染性疾病减少,VE组除Et,LCT提高和CIC,AA减少外,余无明显改变。停ST12个月时,LCT值下降明显,消化系感染疾病增多,提示停药1年时应适当补充ST。 BALB/c mice were divided into porcine thymosin (ST) group, porcine thymosin + vitamin E (ST + VE) group, vitamin E (VE) group and saline (NS) group. The study found that ST, ST + VE The spleen cell LCLPFC, plasma cGMP, thymus weight and survival time were significantly higher in the two groups than in the NS group, and the tumor incidence was lower than that in the NS group. Clinical observation of 117 cases of middle-aged and elderly, ST group of Et, Ea, LCT, OT values ​​and general physiological function were significantly improved, CIC, AA and infectious diseases decreased, VE group in addition to Et, LCT increased and CIC, AA decreased, There is no obvious change in the rest. When the ST was stopped for 12 months, the LCT value decreased significantly and the number of digestive system infections increased, suggesting that ST should be appropriately supplemented at the time of withdrawal.
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To induce sterilization into the F—l generation,pupae of the sugar-cane borer Diatraea saccharalis(F.)were irradiated at the age of six days.The radiation sou
用小鼠行巨噬细胞吞噬试验和迟发变态反应试验,证明口服A-OT-FU组的抑制作用优于5-FU组和FT-207组。 The macrophage phagocytosis test and the late allergy test in mice