5月18~22日,中国橡胶工业协会考察团一行26人赴马来西亚进行了为期5天的考察。此次考察的目的主要是为了更好地了解东南亚橡胶行业,尤其是乳胶行业的市场状况,加强中国与马来西亚橡胶行业的交流与合作。考察团成员主要来自国内橡胶原材料、手套、避孕套等相关制造商。此行先后对马来西亚康乐(Karex berhad)公司、顶级手套(Top Glove)公司、GETAHINDUS(M)公司等进行了参观考察,并参
From May 18 to 22, 26 people from the delegation of China Rubber Industry Association visited Malaysia for a five-day investigation. The purpose of this visit is mainly to better understand the market conditions of the rubber industry in Southeast Asia, especially the latex industry, and to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between China and Malaysia in the rubber industry. Members of the delegation mainly from the domestic rubber raw materials, gloves, condoms and other related manufacturers. The delegation visited Karex berhad Malaysia, Top Glove, GETAHINDUS (M), etc. and visited