One of the ways of contraception is to use contraceptives. Contraceptives can be used alone or in combination with contraceptives. If used properly when used alone, the purpose of contraception can be achieved and, if used with contraceptives, it is more secure. The user must correctly follow the instructions of the doctor or the method of use, otherwise it will inevitably fail. The preparation and selection of contraceptives is also one of the keys to success. Good contraceptives should have the following characteristics: First, the duration of sperm should be maintained at 240 minutes or more, was diluted body fluids, still have efficacy. Second, in the human body can take the body temperature and vaginal secretion of fluid fully integrated, and can quickly spread evenly. Third, but thick, so as not to melt into a jelly; nor should it be too thin to easily flow out of the body. Fourth, the human body should be