我院于1991年开始应用复方硼砂治疗霉菌性阴道炎,效果较好,报道如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料:1992年来我院门诊治疗霉菌性阴道炎共72例。年龄22~46岁,平均34岁。患者主诉搔痒、白带多、下腹痛。通过妇检重度5例,阴道表面上附着白膜及溃疡。中度25例,阴道粘膜上附着白膜,白带呈豆腐渣样。轻度42例,阴道分泌物量较多,将32例采用复方硼砂治疗。 1.2 方法:①72例患者于治疗前常规行阴道分泌物涂片镜检,查到白色念珠菌,排除滴虫性阴道炎及其它细菌感染。②复方硼砂为本院药房自行配制处方,甘油、硼砂混合配成溶液。③在无菌操作下充分暴露
Our hospital in 1991 began to apply compound borax treatment of fungal vaginitis, the effect is better, reported as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information: 1992 to our hospital outpatient treatment of fungal vaginitis a total of 72 cases. Age 22 to 46 years old, average 34 years old. Patients complained of itching, vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain. Through the seizure of severe 5 cases, the vaginal surface attached to the white film and ulcers. Moderate in 25 cases, the vaginal mucosa attached to the white membrane, leucorrhea was lees samples. Mild 42 cases, the amount of vaginal discharge more, 32 cases of compound borax treatment. 1.2 Methods: ① 72 patients with conventional vaginal discharge before smear microscopy, found Candida albicans, excluding trichomonas vaginitis and other bacterial infections. ② compound borax for the hospital pharmacy formulary their own, glycerol, borax mixed solution. ③ fully exposed in aseptic operation