编辑同志: 我是贵刊的通讯员。今天,我受灵武县郭家桥乡的回族孤寡老人马金山的委托,给贵刊写这封信,希望贵刊能让老人如愿以偿。开斋节的第二天,马金山老人步行5公里来到乡上,兴冲冲地走进广播站的门,头句话就说:“锡文,请你抽个空帮俺写篇稿子,夸夸县、乡的好领导,说说党的大恩德。”老人坐在床上话匣子越拉越长:“常言说,人活七十古来稀,可俺一个孤老汉今年71岁,眼不花,耳不聋,身板硬朗。俺哪里来的福份?是上上下下的领导照顾得好。按理说,俺本该住敬老院,可俺年纪大了舍不得离开乡里乡亲。俺由于多种原因,当了一辈子光
Edit Comrade: I am your correspondent correspondent. Today, I was entrusted by Ma Jinshan, an old widowed old man in Guojiaqiao Township, Lingwu County, to write this letter to your magazine and I hope that your magazine will let the elderly get what they want. The second day of Eid al-Fitr, Magyan elderly 5 km walk to the township, excitedly walked into the radio station door, the first sentence, said: ”Tin, please help me to write an article, Kwaku County, township, a good leader, talk about the party’s great grace. “The elderly sat in bed, the longer the box: ” The saying goes, people live seventy to dilute, but I am a lone old man 71 years old this year, No flowers, ears are not deaf, body tough. I where the blessing is up and down the leadership to take care of. Logically, I should have lived in the nursing home, but I was reluctant to leave the village folks. I due to a variety of The reason, when the light of life