沙宣发廊暨美发学院的创始人维达·沙宣(VidalSassoon)是国际发型界公认的顶级大师,他在剪发、染发和烫发领域内不断创新,一直引导着国际潮流,深受沙宣发廊顾客的青睐,并被数以万计的沙宣美发学院的学生所仰慕。 目前,沙宣国际发廊在美国、加拿大、英国和德国等四个国家已建立了26家分店,不同年龄、不同身份的顾客纷至沓来,每周约有10,000人次光顾,享受沙宣发型师的妙手巧技。 同时,在英国的伦敦、格拉斯哥、卡迪夫,德国的汉堡、法兰克福、柏林、慕尼黑,美国的洛杉矶、
VidalSassoon, the founder of Sassoon Salon & Hair Salon, is recognized as the top master in the world of hairstyling. His continuous innovation in the field of hair cut, hair coloring and perming has been leading the international trend and is favored by Sahox Salon customers. , And was admired by tens of thousands of students at Salon Beauty Academy. At present, Sassoon International Salon has established 26 branches in four countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Germany. Guests of different ages and identities are pouring in. Each week, about 10,000 people patronize and enjoy the savvy skill of Sassoon Hairstylist. At the same time, the United Kingdom in London, Glasgow, Cardiff, Hamburg, Germany, Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich, Los Angeles,