艰苦创业 为民造福

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全国解放初期,我中国人民解放军华东军区98师,原是抗美援朝预备队,是一支有着光荣革命传统的部队。1952年春天,朝鲜战场达成停战协定,国内外形势发生变化,这支部队响应毛主席“一定要把淮河修好”的伟大号召,奉命改编为中国人民解放军水利工程第二师,担负起兴建位于河南省淮河上游的薄山、南湾两座大型水库的建设任务。 5月下旬,师司令部率四、五两个团进驻确山,六团进驻信阳,与地方治淮工农大军并肩战斗——修建薄山、南湾水库。工程指挥机构:南湾水库以地方领导为主,吸收六团干部参加;薄 In the early days of the national liberation, I was a 98th division of the East China Military Region of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. It was originally a reserve corps for the anti-US aid aid and a troop with a glorious revolutionary tradition. In the spring of 1952, the Armistice Agreement was reached in the battlefield of North Korea. As the situation in China and abroad changed, the unit responded to the great call by Chairman Mao that “it is absolutely necessary to revise the Huaihe River” and was instructed to be reorganized into the second division of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Hydraulic Project. Provincial Huaihe River upstream of the thin mountain, South Bay two large reservoirs of construction tasks. In late May, the division commander at the rate of four or five regiments stationed in the mountain, six regiment stationed in Xinyang, and local government workers and peasants army fight side by side - the construction of thin mountain, South Bay Reservoir. Engineering command organization: Nanwan Reservoir is dominated by local leaders and absorbs six cadres to participate;
This paper investigates the phenomenon of stochastic resonance in a single-mode laser driven by quadratic pump noise and amplitude-modulated signal. A new linea
我所安装的 Q765抛喷联合清理室投入使用后,发现因顶抛头和侧抛头的抛射角度难以调整合适,致使清理室体内壁的橡胶保护板频频更换。为此,我们改用铸铁挂板代替橡胶板。经使
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