推进劳动与社会保障体系信息化建设 让“数字福建”贴近百姓生活

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“三个代表”的号角吹响八闽大地,怎样审时度势,如何与时俱进,是我们进入新世纪的重要课题。我省第七届党代会提出《以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,再创福建现代化建设新业绩》,围绕着社会主义市场经济体制建设来开展我省劳动和社会保障工作,更需要科学理论的指导。那么,如何开创新型劳动和社会保障工作新局面,做好思想、政策、舆论上的准备,这是摆在我们劳动保障战线每一位干部职工面前的必修课。新年伊始,本刊经过筹备与酝酿,为省内外的教授、专家、学者等理论工作者开辟了一块新园地——《专家论坛》,让有识之士可以用恢弘的笔墨描绘劳动保障事业的蓝图,或以心灵的智慧用寥寥的数笔献计献策。理论是实践得来的,也是我们日常工作或者平凡岗位中的心得体会,是事物发展规律的总结。涓涓细流可以汇成大河,欢迎关心、热爱、支持劳动保障事业的朋友们踊跃投稿。《专家论坛》将陆续推出“社会保障数字化建设”、“社区就业服务”、“健全劳动保障法制”、“社会保险个人账户管理”等一系列专题。本期以“社会保障数字化建设”为主题,邀请几位专家为我们提供一些理论导向和研究意见。在此抛砖引玉,欢迎广大读者参与研讨,发表自己的见地。 How to assess the current situation and how to keep pace with the times are important topics for us to enter the new century. At the Seventh Session of the Party’s Congress in our province, we proposed “taking the important thinking of the three representatives” as the guide and re-creating the new achievements of Fujian’s modernization drive. We will carry out the labor and social security work in our province around the construction of a socialist market economy, More need guidance of scientific theory. So, how to create a new situation in labor and social security work, and make preparations for ideological, policy and public opinion is a compulsory course for every cadre and worker in front of our labor protection front. At the beginning of the new year, after preparation and deliberation, this magazine has opened up a new field - “expert forum” for theoreticians such as professors, experts and scholars inside and outside the province, so that people of insight can depict labor and social security undertakings with magnificent ink and brush Blueprint, or with the wisdom of the mind with a handful of few offer advice. Theory is derived from practice, but also our experience of everyday work or ordinary posts, is the summary of the law of the development of things. Trickle down stream can be merged into the river, welcomed the care, love, support for the cause of labor and social security enthusiastic contributors. The Forum of Experts will launch a series of special topics such as “Social Security Digitalization”, “Community Employment Service”, “Perfecting the Legal System for Labor Security”, and “Social Security Individual Account Management”. In this issue, we will invite several experts to provide us some theoretical guidance and research opinions on the theme of “Digitalization of Social Security”. In this startling, welcome readers to participate in discussions, express their opinions.
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