我们在许多时尚地带,可以看见一家一家蹦出的精致咖啡屋。幽雅的装饰,舒适的沙发,吸引着无数时尚小资和老外的光顾。它的名字叫 Starbucks——星巴克。没有什么媒体上的硬性宣传,但它在城市新贵一族里注目度逐步提高着。我们所知道的是统一集团管理着它,很想了解这是怎样一种新的品牌建立方式,在一个风和日丽的下午,来到闹中取静的星巴克东方巴黎店,我们有幸约访了星巴克的徐总。您最喜欢上海的那家店?我个人最喜欢人民公园店,紧挨着上海美术馆。店面在视觉上的呼应,营造了一个室外美术馆的感觉。滨江大道那家也不错,是好地点。坦白讲,如果你把那家店从滨江大道抽离出来就没什么感觉了。
We in many fashion areas, you can see one exquisite coffee house pops up. Elegant decoration, comfortable sofa, attracting numerous petty bourgeoisie and foreigners patronize. Its name is Starbucks - Starbucks. There is no hard-wired media coverage, but it is gaining ground in the city’s upstart family. What we know is that Regal is managing it and would love to know what a new way to build it. On a sunny afternoon, we arrived at the quiet Starbucks in Paris, where we had the privilege of visiting The total of Starbucks Xu. Which is your favorite shop in Shanghai? My personal favorite is the People’s Park shop, next to the Shanghai Art Museum. The visual echo of the storefront has created the feeling of an outdoor art gallery. Riverside Avenue that house is not bad, is a good place. To be honest, if you leave that store out of Riverside Avenue, you feel nothing.